RISks & Insights

Risks & insights

Get automatic insights into default and fraud risks. We track and flag gambling, cash-withdrawals, unusual spending, irregular loan repayments and more.
Icon of a flag to demonstrate the realtime risks & insights relating to an applicant's finances that Monthio can flag  during credit assessments
Realtime risks flagged
Rely on accurate consumer profiles instead of outdated predictions
Graphic of a downwards arrow to demonstrate lenders can experience decreased defaults if they use Monthio to help them assess the risks and insights of loan applicants
Decreased defaults
Grant more suitable loans with better data & insights
Graphic showing some of the financial data or financial infomation

The benefits continue

Graphic showing an upwards graph in purple color used to show an increase in suitable loans granted
Grant more
suitable loans
Improve acceptance rates and reduce costs by identifying creditworthy customers in less time. By automating risk assessment and eliminating paperwork, you can cut the costs of acquisition as well as the risk of default.
Graphic of clock in purple color. Used to demonstrated shorter time to money in loan application process
Shorter time-
Stop relying on out-of-date, incomplete and costly credit bureau data for risk-assessments and affordability checks. Start processing rapid assessments based on individual applicant risk profile.
Icon of tick in shield or security sign. Used to demonstrate that Monthio helps loan providers safeguard their business
Partnering with Monthio helps you safeguard you business by reducing the risk of fraud, deception, and manual errors through our cutting-edge digitalized process. Ensure a secure and seamless experience for both you and your customers.

Our unique features for your credit success

Realtime risks flagged
Gambling, cash-withdrawals, unusual spending & irregular loan repayments are all tracked and highlighted in real-time. Data sources and applicant input are cross checked resulting in a variety of warnings. Now you can rely on accurate consumer profiles instead of predictions.
Pinpoint income distinction
Monthio's algorithms automatically distinguish between types of wealth & income, such as monthly salary, student grants and unemployment benefits. This gives you peace of mind and enables you to make better approval decisions.
Automatic income variation check
Reduce the risk of errors or deception. Our intelligent solution automatically requires that your applicant submit full documentation if their provided income varies too much from the sum the public and Open Banking data sources show.
Advisory dashboard
Our advisory dashboard automatically displays results about applicant income. This enables credit advisors to swiftly access the crucial information needed for credit decisions, streamlining the process and saving valuable time. Now credit advisors can make more informed and accurate assessments, increasing loan approval efficiency.
Moving graphic of a smartphone including the financial data scrolling and a green checkmark
Improved customer experience

Give your loan applicants more

By increasing the speed and ease of the application process, applicants are not only more likely to complete the process, but also have a positive user experience.

Today’s digitally mature customers have the highest expectations and expect simple and intuitive customer experiences. In fact, the process is so intuitive that 91% of end-users complete the application process for a loan when banks or lenders use Monthio.

Open Banking

Unlike other creditworthiness solutions, Monthio goes beyond Open Banking. We analyze a wider range of financial data than just PSD2, employ superior algorithms, and apply meticulous categorisation techniques. Start making informed and accurate approval decisions in less time.

“Since partnering with Monthio, we have been able to process more loan applications using fewer employee resources. The app also gives us a deeper applicant insight ensuring even more accurate decision making and easier documentation.”

Head of credit - Consumer Loan Provider
 Young white women on laptop used to depict a happy loan applicant going through the Monthio flow

Risk & insights FAQs

Ready to get started?
Do you want to find out more about how Monthio can revolutionise your loan approval processes?
Get in touch
Superior Categorization
Our comprehensive categorisation accurately identifies
more data in each section than other leading Open
Banking providers.
Banker-designed. Credit approved
We offer more than just cutting edge technology. We are built on deep banking expertise to create a tailored & powerful solution for credit departments.
End users at the forefront
At Monthio, we put the end users the forefront of our product design. That’s why 91% of applicants that go through the Monthio process, complete it.

Already benefiting from Open Banking?

At Monthio, we go further than Open Banking. Benchmark Monthio against your current provider and see for yourself!

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